[Sugar-devel] Telescope activity

Anish Mangal anishmangal2002 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 16:57:50 EDT 2011

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I'm also wondering whether there are any contraptions that *don't*
increase the magnification, but the aperture ratio (fwiw I'm not aware
of the current aperture ratio of the camera onboard the xo)

Also, if the telescopes need to be produced in sufficiently large
numbers, maybe a reflector based design would be significantly cheaper.
(One mirror/optical surface as opposed to many lenses/optical surfaces)

On 10/14/2011 02:07 AM, Gary Martin wrote:
> Hi Tabitha,
> On 12 Oct 2011, at 21:37, Tabitha Roder <tabitha at tabitha.net.nz> wrote:
>> Are there any notes anywhere on what kinds of telescopes are suitable and how you connect them to the XO? Can we get this on the wiki somewhere? We would like to try the telescope activity out. 
>> I had a quick look but couldn't find much. 
> Have a look at the 'Children of the Moon' presentation, it's a great resource and documents some of the experiments already done, and I think the project that this activity was originally designed for:
>   http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Moon#Learning_Resources
> For low end cost, you're looking for a monocular and a way to mount it on the XO. I have a couple on order to do testing here (Brunton Echo 10-30x 21, and a Praktica 12x 32). For Luna type observations don't go for less than x10 magnification or the Moon image won't really be large enough to do much with, but I guess you could use lower magnification monoculars for other subjects.
> --Gary
>> Thanks
>> Tabitha (NZ testers)
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- -- 
Anish Mangal

P.S. Someone x-post this to the ATM list ;-)
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