[Sugar-devel] Help with testing SemanticXO's backend

Christophe Guéret c.d.m.gueret at vu.nl
Tue Nov 8 01:56:25 EST 2011

Hi James,

Thanks for the testing! I didn't had this memory error last time I ran the
script but there was also something different in the test setting: I
switched to runlevel 3 and ran the script from a terminal rather than
running it in Sugar. The memory saved could have made the difference...

Anyway, I'll run it again on my XO-1 to see if I get it now using the same
bundle as you did.


On 8 November 2011 02:21, James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:

> Second run also failed with "OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory"
> on line 95.  CSV files attached.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
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