[Sugar-devel] I reinstalled my system back to a previous image, but don't know where to put my public key for gitorious

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Tue May 31 19:20:57 EDT 2011

G'day Laurent,

There's not enough information in what you say to let me conclude what
the cause is.

I presume that you have created a new SSH key pair and uploaded the
public one to gitorious.  (I don't think you had a good reason to do
this, but you did it anyway, and so I have to work from that.)

Have you tested this key?  For instance, here is how I test my key:

	ssh gitorious at git.sugarlabs.org true

The expected and successful output is "Gitorious: Access denied or bad
command".  If you see this, then the key is properly installed on both
your system and git.sugarlabs.org.  If you see something else, then
there may be another problem.

Next, could you show me what git commit command you try, and what the
result is?  I'm really surprised you didn't already show us what the
result was.  There are so many possibilities.

You can capture an error to a text file and include it in e-mail.  Like

	host:~$  script error.txt
	Script started, file is error.txt
	host:~$  git commit
	host:~$  exit
	Script done, file is error.txt

James Cameron

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