[Sugar-devel] I reinstalled my system back to a previous image, but don't know where to put my public key for gitorious

Luke Faraone luke at faraone.cc
Tue May 31 20:00:32 EDT 2011

On 05/31/2011 08:35 AM, laurent bernabe wrote:
> I think i've done some things strange and unreversable
>    - i deleted my public keys
>    - i tried with a new one
>    - but still unable to commit
> Should i delete my project from the gitorious and create a new one for it ?

No, that wouldn't fix anything.

Simply replace your key on gitorious. If this isn't working, a mistake
is probably being made somewhere. Please describe how you're generating
a new key, and replacing it gitorious, or where else the process is
breaking down for you.

Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs, Systems
lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net -- http://luke.faraone.cc
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