[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Fall back to old style toolbars in old sugar

Sebastian Silva sebastian at somosazucar.org
Fri May 27 12:57:42 EDT 2011

El 27/05/11 03:27, Simon Schampijer escribió:
> But does the activity even run on a 0.84 build like 10.1.3?
Interesting. That is the entire point of the patch. Now it does.
I tested it on 10.1.3 based -"sugar 8 peru" image and it runs well. I 
think Rafael tested on vanilla 10.1.3.

Is there is a technical reason no to upgrade? Upgrading from 108 to 122 
seems to help with dialog box related problems 
http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2659 , 
https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2615 and does not leave partial 
downloads in the instance dir https://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/2155 to 
name a few benefits for the user.

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