[Sugar-devel] gtk.RadioToolButton active property not recognized

laurent bernabe laurent.bernabe at gmail.com
Wed May 18 10:25:29 EDT 2011

Oups ! Forgotten CC reply

2011/5/18 laurent bernabe <laurent.bernabe at gmail.com>

> Oh, i've forgotten
>    - i have not put source online yet : going to use git as soon as
>    possible (newbie here again)
>    - going to install pygtk2-doc package on my sugar : is the best way to
>    consult it is a text editor such as nano ?
> Regards
> 2011/5/18 laurent bernabe <laurent.bernabe at gmail.com>
>> Ok, here the result :
>> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
>> |
>> Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
>> |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
>> ||/ Name                     Version                  Description
>> +++-========================-========================-=============================================
>> un  libgtksourceview2.0-dev  <none>                   (no description
>> available)
>> 2011/5/18 James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org>
>>>  On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 11:51:05AM +0200, laurent bernabe wrote:
>>> >   * in my application, i'm using two gtk.RadioToolButton
>>> >   * the "clicked" handlers of the two RadioToolButton test the active
>>> >   property of the event source (so, the RadioToolButton itself)
>>> >   * but the SugarOLPC image logs reports me the error "
>>> >   'gtk.RadioToolButton' has no attribute 'active' "
>>> >   * however, the PyGTK reference manual says that 'active' is a
>>> >   property of gtk.ToggleToolButton, from which RadioToolButton is
>>> >   inherited and therefore, handlers are not properly executed
>>> >
>>> > So, what is my error ?
>>> You are using GTK+ version 2.0, according to your mail in another thread.
>>> You are using PyGTK version 2.17.0, according to your mail in another
>>> thread.
>>> The PyGTK 2.24.0 documentation for ToggleToolButton at
>>> http://developer.gnome.org/pygtk/stable/class-gtktoggletoolbutton.html
>>> has a note to the right of the "active" property which says "This
>>> property is available in GTK+ 2.8 and above."  The implication is that
>>> the property is not available below GTK+ 2.8.  Since you have GTK+
>>> version 2.0, the property is expected to be unavailable.
>>> But it is surprising that you are using GTK+ version 2.0 ... could you
>>> please check this version number?  It would be easy for you to misread
>>> the output:
>>>        COLUMNS=120 dpkg --list libgtk\*-dev
>>> Here I see:
>>>        ii libgtk2.0-dev 2.24.3-1~sid1 Development files for the GTK+
>>> library
>>> Which means I am using version 2.24.3.  The 2.0 in the package name is
>>> not a version number.  This is an easy mistake to make.
>>> Assuming you are using a version of GTK+ of 2.8 or later, I see no
>>> explanation for your error.  I would need to see the source.  Please
>>> post a pointer to your git repository, or web page containing the
>>> source.
>>> By the way, you can obtain matching version documentation for PyGTK on
>>> your system by installing the package python-gtk2-doc, and then opening
>>> the files on the system rather than on internet.
>>> --
>>> James Cameron
>>> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
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