[Sugar-devel] gtk.RadioToolButton active property not recognized

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Mon May 16 03:24:22 EDT 2011

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 11:51:05AM +0200, laurent bernabe wrote:
>   * the "clicked" handlers of the two RadioToolButton test the active property
>     of the event source (so, the RadioToolButton itself)
>   * but the SugarOLPC image logs reports me the error " 'gtk.RadioToolButton'
>     has no attribute 'active' "
>   * however, the PyGTK reference manual says that 'active' is a property of
>     gtk.ToggleToolButton, from which RadioToolButton is inherited and
>     therefore, handlers are not properly executed

Perhaps the PyGTK reference manual is much later than the SugarOLPC
image, and covers a later version of PyGTK.

What is the version of PyGTK in the SugarOLPC image you are using?

James Cameron

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