[Sugar-devel] Opening .ePub files from a local (Browse-based) activity?

Bastien bzg at altern.org
Fri May 13 19:34:25 EDT 2011

Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com> writes:

>> Problem: clicking on the .ePub links neither launches the Read
>> activity nor offers to save the .ePub file in the Journal.  The
>> links are relative links like "ebooks/[link].epub" and work okay
>> when opened from any other browser.
> Is there a mime-type associated with .epub installed in the system
> telling it what activity to use?


I added this line:

  text/epub                       org.laptop.sugar.ReadActivity

in /usr/share/sugar/data/mime.defaults but with no luck.

After double-check, it appears that even .pdf are not opened.  So it
seems the rudimentary code I use to display the pages in a browse-like
activity lacks the ability to recognize mime types.

Anyway, James Simmons told me Get Books can handle ePub local libraries,
which seems a better solution -- I will digg into that direction.

Thanks for the advice!


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