[Sugar-devel] XO-1 touchpad [EduJAM day 2 Tour of Uruguay; Sugar-devel Digest, Vol 31, Issue 6]

Paul Fox pgf at laptop.org
Tue May 3 10:50:28 EDT 2011

yioryos wrote:
 > I was loging serio-related messages for some time.
 > Post os802/2.6.25-kernel builds on the XO-1 have a considerable higher 
 > frequency of miscalibration symptoms (mostly big jumps and soft packet spews). 
 > This is true for both fedora and non-fedora builds and although the automatic 
 > recalibration is a big step forward they are still user-noticeable and very 
 > disruptive.
 > On average they occur every 5 minutes (though the frequency may vary) and quite 
 > often are staggered (2-3 events in a minute).  
 > The frequency appears to be unrelated to the system load or specific 
 > applications/activities. 
 > Though I never really checked, I have the _sense_ that the frequency may also 
 > increase in very low memory conditions.
 > Interestingly they almost never happen the first 10 minutes after boot.
 > So it may be a function of time.
 > Power-cycling the touchpad and recalibrating every 7 minutes appears to 
 > decrease the spontaneous miscalibration symptoms to ~1/hour.
 > Of course scheduled recalibrations are equally disruptive for the user. 
 > However, I think it may points to an underlaying problem that accumulates over 
 > time (leak of some sort ?). 
 > This may not be directly related to the new driver, but could be related to the 
 > EC code or the kernel configuration or something else, though I'm afraid I have 
 > no idea how to test further.

yioryos -- could you perhaps publish your logs, if you still have them?
i can't remember if there's still an appropriate trac ticket open -- if
not, create a new one.

 paul fox, pgf at laptop.org

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