[Sugar-devel] [PATCH sugar] Limit the nick name to be only 8 characters maximum #10737

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Tue Mar 22 17:49:53 EDT 2011

On 03/22/2011 02:00 PM, Sascha Silbe wrote:
> Excerpts from Simon Schampijer's message of Wed Mar 16 20:41:08 +0100 2011:
>>> And what are the adverse consequences if there is a conflict between
>>> JoseMariaSuarez and JoseMariaRamirez ?
>>> I think you'd want to show that the potential bugginess is not so bad,
>>> or else hash the names rather than truncate them.
>> http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10737#comment:6
> Comment 6 says:
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2011-March/030436.html
>> I actually think it is better to use the nickname and limit it to 8
>> characters. For example if you list the
>> available services (avahi-browse) you can more easily recognize which
>> machine it is offering.
>> I think we do not have to worry clashes that way. The presence id is
>> 'nick at avahi_client_host_name' and the
>> service name would then be 'room_name:nick at avahi_client_host_name' which
>> both would be quite unique, I think.
> Like Scott [1] I'm worried that avahi_client_host_name might not
> actually be unique. Does avahi guarantee this (on all systems, not just
> XOs) and if so, how?

Avahi uses "GetHostName" (on the XO this is something like 'xo-a7-2e-70' 
based on the HW address).

In the PS we did use the first 8 characters of the ssh key of the user 
and pushed that into 'published-name'. My first patch was based on that [1].

As I understood Tomeu he wanted to use the nick name instead now to 
enhance the information we give out.


[1] http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10737#comment:4

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