[Sugar-devel] [OLPC-AU] Recording screencasts

forster at ozonline.com.au forster at ozonline.com.au
Tue Mar 15 03:00:56 EDT 2011

Quoting Sridhar Dhanapalan <sridhar at laptop.org.au>:

> Is there a good way to record screencasts of a Sugar session on an XO?
> The best I can find is this:   
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Screencast

I wrote most of that page. Screencast was buggy but I could make it  
work, Sugar or command line. It did not seem to have any active  
maitainers. The XO1 struggled to keep up with the processing, its  
probably OK on the XO1.5 but I haven't tried it


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