[Sugar-devel] [PATCH sugar-toolkit] Avoid showing decorated windows during start-up (OLPC#10713)

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Mon Mar 7 18:13:43 EST 2011

On 03/05/2011 06:50 AM, Sascha Silbe wrote:
> As a side effect, activity start-up is now subjectively faster, maybe even
> objectively (due to avoiding a resize).
> Tested on XO-1 running Debian Squeeze.

Hi Sascha,

thanks for looking at this.

I actually tried similar already as well. The issue can still be seen, 
it seem a bit less visible but I can still see it.

I wondered today, if we could set those properties (fullscreen all 
windows) in a metacity theme [1], but that does not seem to be possible 
from here at first glance.


[1] http://blogs.gnome.org/metacity/2008/05/30/themes/

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