[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] icons for import/export document proposal

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 19 12:20:54 EDT 2011

On 16 Jun 2011, at 04:54, manuel quiñones wrote:

> Hi, I'm sending my first try at this icons, based on a discussion in
> the design meeting past sunday (sorry Gary you missed the last part).

Just caught up with the 2nd half of last weeks meeting and thought I'd pass along a screenshot of the Labryinth activity toolbar as it includes export icons for both pdf and png objects:


Regarding the icon placement, keeping import/export options in the activity secondary toolbar seems like the correct place (same place as Keep). Though I do notice that Walter (in Turtle Blocks) decided to make a new Journal like toolbar (need to chat to Walter about the motivation behind this choice).


> It becomes apparent that we need icons for export and import of
> documents.  For example, Write reuses the document-save icon for
> export.
> http://dev.laptop.org/~manuq/import-export/document-import.svg
> http://dev.laptop.org/~manuq/import-export/document-export.svg
> http://dev.laptop.org/~manuq/import-export/document_import-export.png
> This is how they can be used in Write:
> http://dev.laptop.org/~manuq/import-export/import-export_mockup.png
> Regards,
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