[Sugar-devel] Strawberry - login screen

Esteban Arias earias at plan.ceibal.edu.uy
Mon Jun 13 09:38:53 EDT 2011


do you know why sugar on stick - SoaS release 1 (Strawberry), shows login
when I change configuration from control panel ?
for example, I change nike name in "About me"; then restart with login

I put "liveuser" and the system starts ok!

It is possible to dont show login screen?

    Esteban Arias
    Investigación y Desarrollo - Centro Ceibal para el Apoyo a la Educación
de la Niñez y la Adolescencia - Plan Ceibal
    Avda. Italia 6201 - Edificio Los Ceibos
    Montevideo - Uruguay.
    Tel.: 2601.57.73 Interno 2228
    E-mail : earias at plan.ceibal.edu.uy
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