[Sugar-devel] Restoring journals on newer versions of Sugar

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-3 at silbe.org
Thu Jun 2 02:42:46 EDT 2011

Excerpts from Bernie Innocenti's message of Wed Jun 01 16:24:41 +0200 2011:
> Answering your question on IRC:
>  <christophd> hi all
>  <christophd> I've got a question related to Journal backup/restore: is
>   it realistically possible to get Journal entries created on 8.2 to
>   11.1.2 with the help of dsd_'s scripts or other ways?

The easiest and best way is to use the Backup [1] and Restore [2]
activities. They're still a bit rough on the UI side (help welcome!),
but have been carefully tested. You can exchange backups (i.e. up- and
downgrade) between any version of sugar-datastore, including the ones
with version support. Only older entries are overwritten, so it's safe
to restore an older backup over an already-filled Journal. You could
even distribute content that way.


[1] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4326
[2] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4327
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