[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Record: icons for the toolbar that replace strings "timer" and "duration"

Frederick Grose fgrose at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 16:10:21 EDT 2011

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 2:29 AM, Frederick Grose <fgrose at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2011/7/25 manuel quiñones <manuel.por.aca at gmail.com>
>> El día 25 de julio de 2011 01:37, Gary Martin
>> <garycmartin at googlemail.com> escribió:
>> > Hi Manuel,
>> >
>> > On 25 Jul 2011, at 05:12, manuel quiñones wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> Thanks Gary for your support.  I'm with you, option 1 is the ideal.
>> >> Unfortunatly it doesn't seem to be possible in current GTK.
>> >
>> > Yea, that's what I suspected, but thanks for considering it.
>> >
>> >> So I took
>> >> option 2, at least for the moment.  Here are new screenshots:
>> >>
>> >> http://dev.laptop.org/~manuq/record_design/timer_sshot.png
>> >
>> > Thanks for the screen shots. Yes, that does work better for my eye at
>> least – could you perhaps use the star placement of the 3 star version, and
>> centre align the 1 and 2 star versions around the middle star of the 3 star
>> version? (e.g. use the 3 star version centre star, as the placement for the
>> 1 star version, and then place stars in the gaps either side for the 2 star
>> version). That should give the 1 and 2 star versions some more comfortable
>> clearance from the clock stroke edge.
>> That is good feedback Gary, new screenshot:
>> http://dev.laptop.org/~manuq/record_design/timer_sshot_2.png
>> I will send a patch to Daniel then.
>> Regards,
>> --
>> .. manuq ..
> I find the mixing of symbols here a bit troubling.
> The star was proposed as a symbol for 'new instance' or 'new creation' as
> that use has precedence in other 'create new' situations.
> Now, with this proposal, stars seem to represent time ticks while there is
> also the stopwatch to represent time.  With the center alignment, the
> progression also moves in diverging directions, inconsistent with the clock
> motion.
> Seems there was an original suggestion to represent the start delay by a
> star at progressively later stopwatch clock positions.  Was that
> unsatisfactory?  If so, perhaps accumulating time ticks should be dots
> rather than stars (like some simple progress meters).  Or the star should be
> retained to represent the creation point along the watch edge, and dots
> placed along the edge to precede the start, represent the ticks of time
> delay.
> Another set of symbols to consider is the media record, round button and
> media stop, square button.  These could be placed on the stopwatch at the
> start and stop angle positions for the recording duration selector, and the
> media record, round button at the starting angle, following smaller, delay
> tick dots, on the start delay icons (the watch pointer could also move to
> the record start angle).
> If there is a hurry to have some icon, the proposed ones might be
> considered as stand-ins until a clearer set are available.
> Thanks for the design work!           --Fred

The attached icons demonstrate the latter concept, just above, using a
reduced size stopwatch.
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