[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] [DESIGN] Use a Sugar themed hand for the touchpad icon
Frederick Grose
fgrose at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 17:50:47 EDT 2011
This icon is only used the early XO-1 with the original, 3-section,
dual-mode touchpads.
commit 5980919b540855c0f45b9e7eb53634ed9bf9de67
Author: Frederick Grose <fgrose at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 7 17:32:25 2011 -0400
Use Sugar themed hand for touchpad icon.
Update icon with vectorized Sugar cursor hand.
Round outer corners on touchpad rectangle.
diff --git a/icons/scalable/device/touchpad-capacitive.svg
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 1ffdf85..625a4d0
--- a/icons/scalable/device/touchpad-capacitive.svg
+++ b/icons/scalable/device/touchpad-capacitive.svg
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
d="m 2.934,28.664 0,18.209 49.391,0 0,-18.209 -49.391,0 z M
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- style="stroke-width:2" />
+ style="stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round" />
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-0.220816,0 -0.399822,-0.179006 -0.399822,-0.399823 l
-2.3e-5,-2.104658 c 0,-0.883726 -0.716404,-1.60013 -1.60013,-1.60013
-0.883726,0 -1.600124,0.716404 -1.600124,1.60013 l -2.3e-5,2.5466 c
0,0.220817 -0.179006,0.399823 -0.399823,0.399823 -0.220817,0
-0.399823,-0.179006 -0.399823,-0.399823 l -2.3e-5,-10.05961 c
0,-0.883726 -0.716404,-1.60013 -1.60013,-1.60013 -0.883726,0
-1.600124,0.716404 -1.600124,1.60013 l -2.6e-5,12.910134 c 0,0.220817
-0.179006,0.399823 -0.399823,0.399823 -0.220817,0 -0.399823,-0.179006
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-0.716404,-1.60013 -1.60013,-1.60013 -0.883726,0 -1.600124,0.716404
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4.399977,4.399961 l 10.400094,0 c 2.430037,0 4.399977,-1.969924
4.399977,-4.399961 l 0,-9.133693 c 0,-0.883726 -0.716404,-1.60013
-1.60013,-1.60013 -0.883726,0 -1.600124,0.716404 -1.600124,1.60013 l
-2.5e-5,1.17658 c 0,0.220817 -0.179006,0.399823 -0.399823,0.399823
-0.220817,0 -0.399823,-0.179006 -0.399823,-0.399823 z"
style="stroke-width:1.5;" />
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