[Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] [PATCH] set ctime workaround

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Fri Jan 28 14:08:23 EST 2011

On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 17:23 +0100, Sascha Silbe wrote: 
> Excerpts from Martin Abente's message of Fri Jan 28 16:08:21 +0100 2011:
> > It is necessary to make the sort-by-date option to work for new entries.
> Then something is broken (hence the move from dextrose@ to sugar-devel@).
> ctime should only be used during migration of old data stores, not
> anywhere else. We probably should even delete it after migration just to
> make sure it never gets out-of-sync with creation_time.

Not long ago, dextrose was still using a patch set older than the one aa
got into mainline. Someone who understands the code would have to check
and refresh the patches.

Can you do that please?

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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