[Sugar-devel] Custom colors in activity

Rafael Ortiz rafael at activitycentral.com
Thu Jan 27 23:29:57 EST 2011

2011/1/27 Yader Velásquez <yajosev at gmail.com>

> Regards.
> I'm developing the activity Calendario[1] for a few months. I receive
> advice from
> Zamora Terán Foundation in Nicaragua[2] (they're employing my activity in
> all their XO)
> they suggest to me to add a feature that allow to the children customize
> the color style of
> the activity.
> I don't know if this feature could be congruent with the sugar thinking,

Thats indeed congruent with all sugar is about, that's why we have
pages like this


Inside each activity's page there are ways to modify them!.

because I don't know
> if allow this kinds of privileges to a child user could be fine or wrong.
> In the other hands, I don't know if this is possible in the sugar style.
> Sure is possible, though i dont' have examples at hand specifically related
to what you want.

> [1] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/es-ES/sugar/addon/4360
> [2] http://www.fundacionzt.org/fzt/index.htm
>  --
> GNU/Linux User # 480207
> http://yaderv.info
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Yaderv
> *
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