[Sugar-devel] [PATCH Sugar] Extend sugar-launch with more options

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-1 at silbe.org
Wed Jan 19 16:15:05 EST 2011

Excerpts from Martin Abente's message of Wed Jan 19 18:05:47 +0100 2011:

> When you right-click on any link, and use the "open link" option,
> gtk.show_uri will be called, internally this calls to
> gio.app_info_get_default_for_uri_scheme('http'), and its internal
> implementation takes the arguments from the gconf  (harcoded) value path:
> /desktop/gnome/uri-handlers/http/command.
> Then all we need to do is to replacing the gconf value for "sugar-launch
> org.laptop.WebActivity --uri %s" and voila!

So you want to launch an activity from within another activity?
That's going to fail with Rainbow (which is exactly the reason we don't
do that yet). This topic keeps cropping up; you can check the mailing
list archive for details (usually in the context of in-activity

What we could do, however, is to offer a simple HTML widget in
sugar-toolkit (internally using either xulrunner or WebKit, whichever is
available) that activities could embed.


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