[Sugar-devel] TurtleBlocks driving lego NXT 2.0 -

Emiliano Pastorino epastorino at plan.ceibal.edu.uy
Sun Jan 9 19:44:52 EST 2011

> Wow! I didn't know this existed!  What do you mean when you say "hw
> wasn't ready?"

Oh! I meant we hadn't had time to prepare the kits for the kids, just that.

yes -- I've seen it. And I have an NXT at home, will be testing it
> soon. I may have a few patches for you...

I'll appreciate those patches. Do you want me to add you as a committer?

 - nxt-python is packaged and maintained for Fedora 14, and we can
> backport the package. You don't need to include it, and the rpm
> contains the udev/rules file.

That's good, but I found some incompatibilities between the latest commit
of nxt-python and python 2.5.1, so I had to modify a few lines.
Anyways, latest Dextrose builds use python 2.6.1 and everything works
out of the box there.

Other thought about this point... wouldn't nxt-python package become a
dependency for TurtleArt if we don't include it in the activity?

>  - I've just packaged nbc / nxc for Fedora, which is almost like C,
> and is a very nice way to program the robot. It even allows for
> concurrent programming.

Mmm... I'd like to get my hands on that code.

>  - There's an overall push to get more robotics stuff into Fedora, so
> upstream is keen to help

Great news!

>  - And I'm happy to help on the NXT / TA patch (as a personal project,
> not OLPC sponsored).

He he... personal interests since xmas maybe?


> cheers,
> m
> --
>  martin.langhoff at gmail.com
>  martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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