[Sugar-devel] [Sugar emulator][Ubuntu 11.04] I can't install an activity (with the setup.py)

laurent bernabe laurent.bernabe at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 14:44:17 EST 2011

Ok, thank you for your answer, I've well understood.
I'm going to apply your advice.


2011/12/5 James Simmons <nicestep at gmail.com>

> Laurent,
> I don't have experience with Sweets, but normally you would install the
> version of Sugar that comes with your distribution.  When you launch this
> Sugar comes up in a window.  So you have your GNOME desktop where you do
> your development work, plus you have this window that contains a Sugar
> environment that you use for testing.
> You run setup.py dev from a normal terminal window, not the one that Sugar
> provides.  This creates a symbolic link between your source directory and
> where Sugar wants your program to be.  After that any changes you make in
> your source directory will be reflected in what runs under Sugar.  You'll
> probably need to stop and restart your Activity to see your changes take
> effect.
> James Simmons
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 11:28 AM, laurent bernabe <
> laurent.bernabe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am following the ActivitiesGuideSugar pdf from august 2010.
>>    - I've fetched tutorial source code for etext activity (chapter 5 :
>>    inheriting from Activity.activity)
>>    - I've modified, carefully i think, the svg picture with Inkscape and
>>    edited the xml structure
>>    - I installed the Sugar Sweets distribution
>> But when I try to setup the activity from the emulator terminal, I get an
>> error saying that there is no module called sugar.activity
>> (the line in fault : "from sugar.activity import bundlebuilder".
>> Have I forgotten an important step in my sugar environment ?
>> Regards
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