[Sugar-devel] [RELEASE] sugar-0.93.3

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-3 at silbe.org
Thu Aug 25 15:22:49 EDT 2011

Excerpts from Simon Schampijer's message of Thu Aug 25 19:08:10 +0200 2011:

> * Revert commit ada284445e9a3ce96a0c9df4c299021254b0668d: This commit breaks OLPC builds, OLPC #11178 (Simon Schampijer)

I don't see the reversal patch on Patchwork. Where was it posted? Who
reviewed it? Why was the functionality removed rather than fixed?

(And yes, I'm guilty of having forgotten to file a ticket about this
being broken in master :-/).


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