[Sugar-devel] opening a url with WebActivity

Erik Blankinship erikb at mediamods.com
Wed Aug 17 10:01:35 EDT 2011

Okay, so to summarize, the best practice for an activity to open a URI in
the browse activity is to not open a URI in the browse activity, but to open
a WebView instance in your own activity instead.

It will be nice when the intent system is ready.  Good to know it should be
an easy switch for activities' code to upgrade/switch to the new system.

When making that change (or earlier), it might be good to support the python
api for this too (as noted in the original post):

import webbrowser
webbrowser.open( "http;//google.com" )

I'd suggest you use this approach for now, and switch to the intent
>> mechanism in the future.  Both the switch to webkit and the design of
>> an intent mechanism are future projects.  If they are scheduled well,
>> then all the places broken by the switch to webkit (not just in your
>> code) can be switched to use intents at the same time.
>>  --scott
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