[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Test startup animations

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Thu Aug 11 14:25:04 EDT 2011

Hi Benjamin,
I can't talk about timings without testing your code, but I am for any
change we can do to
accelerate the startup of activities.
My code do the render of the svg only one time, and previous timings we
found this operation
have a big cost. Probably we can accelerate the animation more with server
side operations,
but I am not an expert.
Any help is welcome


On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Benjamin Berg <benzea at sugarlabs.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Fri, 2011-08-05 at 16:47 -0300, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> > I have prepared a few videos to show the change in the startup
> > animation I am proposing
> A long time ago I implemented an icon cache, and optimized the startup
> animation (based on that). The speed improvement on the XO (B2/mass
> production, not sure what I tested on) was very large back then. The
> patch is rather large though, and will likely not apply anymore.
> I am not sure if the improvement for the pulsing icon needs the cache to
> work, but IIRC the patch on top of the icon cache one.
> If someone is interested, I can dig it up again.
> The relevant tickets are http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8000#comment:25
> and http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8822 (outch, still on laptop.org).
> Benjamin
> PS: From Ticket 8000: "The icon drawing can be sped up quite a bit, if
> the icon cache is server side rather than client side. This shaved off
> 35% of the drawing time in a quick test here."
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