[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Dr. Geo-1108

Sugar Labs Activities activities at sugarlabs.org
Sat Aug 6 05:34:38 EDT 2011

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Sugar Platform:
0.82 - 0.92

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Release notes:
	* Release 11.08 - Thanks to the Pharo Smalltlak community for its
	continuous support - Special greating to Henrik.

	* #2929 Simplify the way to load a sketch: now the user selects
	the sketch to open from a preview list

	* User can open sketch from an examples repository or from its own
	'MySketches' repository. Change accordingly the load and save file
	* In the toolbar, new icon button to create a blank sketch, keep
	or open an existing sketch

	* DrGeo is now touchpad friendly for a better user experience on
	tablet PC

	* #13010 Secure the edited free value

	* #12785 undo/redo angle: lost arc

	* #12782 Use smaller font to print 3 points angle

	* #12786 label sould be selectable first

	* #12784 Assist to name object

	* Rendering speed improvements 

	* Properly save sketch as UTF-8 file

Bugs tracker at https://gforge.inria.fr/tracker/?func=browse&group_id=1308&atid=6332

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