[Sugar-devel] Stateless activties (was Re: Fw: #3013 UNSP: toolbar error)

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Thu Aug 4 14:55:17 EDT 2011

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 11:28 AM, James Simmons <nicestep at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sebastian,
> The other option might be to create an Activity with no toolbar and find
> some other way to exit the Activity.  There are a few Activities like that
> already.  I like what I'm doing a lot better.
Please no.
We need define a unified criteria about what display in the toolbar, and I
think we will do it in short with the Design Team.


> The fact that this is being discussed suggests that people are reading the
> book, so I'm happy about that at least.
> James Simmons
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Sebastian Silva <
> sebastian at somosazucar.org> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> I just tried Log activity, it does create a Journal entry by default.
>> I'm following this issue at http://dev.laptop.org.au/issues/823<https://dev.laptop.org.au/issues/823>
>> This is related to Sugar not directly supporting stateless activities (I
>> think).
>> I also remember reading in olpc-uruguay that the workaround that James
>> describes doesnt work everywhere.
>> So I wonder, is the workaround described in the book supported? Can
>> activity developers do stateless activities?
>> If not, James, one option for Sugar Commander is to let create a journal
>> entry that saves state data like the current directory.
>> At the moment I don't have an XO or a Sugar 0.84 environment where I can
>> test. Another option would be to try and fix the workaround ;-)
>> Sebastian
>> El 04/08/11 03:40, James Cameron escribió:
>> Yes, I saw something like that when trying to relate "Make Your Own
>> Sugar Activities!" to the Log activity in the past few months.
>> But I don't recall the details.
>> Looking at the Log activity source might help.  At the time I was
>> changing it to not create a Journal entry automatically, yet create one
>> if asked.
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