[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] ANNOUNCE: Moving Sugar to GPLv3+

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Fri Apr 22 18:52:02 EDT 2011

Hi Bernie,

On Fri, Apr 22 2011, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> You've expressed some valid concerns and I believe I've responded
> satisfactorily to all of them. If not, I'm glad to hear a
> counter-argument from you. 

I think you've repeatedly ignored Scott's claim that you can't modify
COPYING or the source files because that would be *changing* the
license, rather than taking advantage of GPLv3 redistribution rights.
Can you ask Brett or someone at the FSF what the right thing to do is?

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>   <http://printf.net/>
One Laptop Per Child

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