[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] SoaS v5 status

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Tue Apr 5 12:25:51 EDT 2011


These are the major problems I see with sugar-desktop 0.92.0 installed 
to f15:
  yum install at sugar-desktop --skip-broken sugar-emulator


1. Multiple pop-ups of keychain on starting sugar-emulator


2. Activities we need:

  Browse and Turtle-art-106 fail to start
  Chat will not allow entering text in bottom line when shared
  Read is broken
  (surf-115-xo and Browse 115w.xo work when added by drag-drop to 
journal from 2nd USB)

3-Central Avitar in f1 on jabber disappears after several minutes.

  Fix is to restart sugar or change colors and restart from Control Panel

4-Soas CD will not boot correctly.
> Those impatient people can boot up the current release and when it
> > boots to the login screen do a "Ctrl + Alt + F2" login as root, run
> > "rpm -e openbox", do a "Ctrl + Alt + F8" and then login and you should
> > get a lovely sweet Sugar :-D
Looking forward to next nightly  : )

Tom Gilliard

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