[Sugar-devel] Read Activity on Fedora 14 / SoaS v4
Simon Schampijer
simon at schampijer.de
Tue Sep 28 13:28:56 EDT 2010
On 09/25/2010 04:01 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
> Hi All,
> With this update below I've now fixed Read on Fedora 14.
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/gnome-python2-desktop-2.31.1-7.fc14
> I've only given it a cursory test so if others could please do so and
> add Karma (remember you need to be logged into bodhi for your karma to
> actually have a + effect) so we can get this into the nightly builds.
Hi Peter,
thanks for this one. Works fine here with the 79-2 rpm. Commented in bodhi.
On a related note (maybe someone has a clue about that):
I am a bit confused about the different versions of Read that are
floating around.
'git tag' gives me:
The current version in Fedora is 79:
The current ALSO version is 86:
87 seems to be on the new toolbar branch:
http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/read/repos/mainline/logs/pre_newtoolbar But
actually Sayamindu commented in an earlier mail: "This is a bugfix
release for 0.84 (specifically the F11 based builds for XO-15 and XO-1).
It avoids using the new toolbars."
/me is confused
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