[Sugar-devel] Queries regarding Sugar Sharp assembly on Mono

Harpreet Sareen author.blogger at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 14:05:28 EDT 2010

Hi Tomeu,

>>You can access the Telepathy API through DBus# and the Telepathy DBus

Thanks for your response. I came to know about developing activities for
Sugar throug C# from this link.
*I am not a pro developer. Is there a tutorial available on how to use the
telepathy API for mesh networking in my activity as it is normally available
for Python etc. while developing an activity. I would be obliged* *for the
>>They are normal Gtk widgets, you can see how to construct them in the
>>sugar-toolkit code:

I am sorry I didn't refer to using C# here. How can I make the Activity
Toolbar or these widgets in my activity using C#?

>>3) I want to use the Text to Speech mechanism in my activity similar to
eSpeak. How's that done in Mono?I think you have two options:
>>- DBus# to interface with speech-dispatcher
>>- http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activity_Team/gst-plugins-espeak

Since I am a new learner, I would really appreciate a sample or a tutorial
on how do the same(using C# here).
I would be really indebted for help. Thanks a lot!


On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 14:50, Harpreet Sareen <author.blogger at gmail.com>
> Hi,
> 1) Usually the activity interface has different tabs on the top such as
> shown in this screenshot for Record activity.
> http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7580/542record1.png[<http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7580/542record1.png%5B>
> Sugar-Sharp assembly doesn't include the binding for the Telepathy
> Framework. I would be greatful if you could that to make the networking
> operation possible.
> Mesh Networking is a major requirement for XO laptops as the activities
> to collaborate. Please Please Please help !!

You can access the Telepathy API through DBus# and the Telepathy DBus spec:


> What do I have to do to make those tabs in Mono i.e to share my activities
> with the neighborhood?

They are normal Gtk widgets, you can see how to construct them in the
sugar-toolkit code:


> 2) I haven't noticed dialogue boxes coming up in Sugar. Are they possible
> Sugar?

They are possible but not recommended, consider using an inline Alert


> 3) I want to use the Text to Speech mechanism in my activity similar to
> eSpeak. How's that done in Mono?

I think you have two options:

- DBus# to interface with speech-dispatcher
- http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activity_Team/gst-plugins-espeak



> Thanks for help!
> Regards
> Harpreet
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