[Sugar-devel] [FEATURE] Journal_Sort --- cleanup for release

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Mon Sep 13 09:54:51 EDT 2010

Hi Andrés,

On 08/30/2010 08:44 AM, Simon Schampijer wrote:
> Hi Andrés,
> your Feature [1] has found it's way into the 0.90 release, thank you for
> getting this far! This is just great!
> The following items need to be done until the release at the end of the
> month (ordered by priority):
> * Instructions for testing: Please add detailed instructions on how to
> test your Feature (e.g. update with an existing DS etc).

Can you add descriptions for testing?

> * Bug fixing: Please watch out for bugs that have been introduced by
> your Feature.
> * Testing: As we do not have a very wide community of testers (yet) I
> would like to ask you to help in the testing efforts.

Did you have a chance to do testing? Upgrade the DS from 0.84 to 0.90 
for example?

> * Adjust Summary: The summary should be directed more to the end user.
> No need to mention the new properties (this can be done in Scope).

Can you adjust the summary as well?


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