[Sugar-devel] flickering mouse in an activity on an xo

Erik Blankinship erikb at mediamods.com
Fri Sep 10 23:56:28 EDT 2010

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Erik Blankinship <erikb at mediamods.com>wrote:

> >
>> > Is there somewhere to get the sugar cursor graphics within sugar itself?
>>  I see that physics imports its own local copy:
>> >
>> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/physics/repos/mainline/blobs/master/standardcursor.png
>> You can find the original git rep that I made standardcursor.png out of
>> at:
>> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/sugar-artwork/repos/mainline/trees/master/cursor/sugar
> I see that your copy and the originals have opaque white where I would
> expect 100% transparency.  Is there a reason for this or a suggested
> technique for removing the white at runtime?

Never mind; my cheap shareware image editor was not a good investment :-)
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