[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Error/Warning Icons for alerts

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Tue Sep 7 05:34:10 EDT 2010

On 09/06/2010 09:25 PM, Anish Mangal wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Simon Schampijer<simon at schampijer.de>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I came across the issue when working on "Error messages when writing to
>> device (Journal) [1]": Our alerts (e.g. "Connecting to the school server",
>> the error message when you can not copy an item to a removable device...) do
>> not have an icon at the left, even though the alert does allow for that.
>> For the moment we use the emblem-warning (attached) for example in the
>> Control Panel for the inline alerts (you have to restart Sugar in order to
>> have the changes take effect).
>> Having an icon with the alert does help learners that can not read yet, or
>> simply when the alert is not translated in the specific language yet. I
>> guess for the start an icon for warning and one for error would be a good
>> start.
> +1. I had included an error-icon [1] when the discussion on sl#1842
> was taking place [2]. Gary gave some perspective that might be useful
> for this discussion.

Anish, thanks for the pointers. Gary is right that once you start adding 
messages we need to categorize them, what is an error, what a warning. 
In this particular case we already so this with words error/warning.

We can probably adopt other levels of messages (error, warning, info). 
For 0.92 we might want to make it a bigger effort to define the levels 
and go through the UI for places where we already have alerts. 
Notifications play in here as well...

For this particular case, I think it is ok to add the icons (at least 
for 0.84). And designing an icon for error and warning is no lost work, 
we will need them at some point.


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