[Sugar-devel] [PATCH v5 sugar] Downgrading activities not allowed. (#2164)

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sat Oct 23 05:30:22 EDT 2010

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 01:11:18AM +0530, anubhav at seeta.in wrote:
> Downgrading an activity is now made possible. When a .xo file of a version older
> than the currently installed version is clicked, a downgrading option is made
> available, by popping up of a confirmation alert. Depending upton the choice
> selected you can downgrade the activity.

upton is a brand of tea here.  Perhaps you mean upon.

> diff --git a/src/jarabe/journal/misc.py b/src/jarabe/journal/misc.py
> +def older_version_clicked(metadata):
> +    alert = ConfirmationAlert()
> +    alert.props.title = _('Newer Version Found')
> +    alert.props.msg = _('Newer version of the chosen activity is available \
> +    do you still want to continue with the installation? \
> +                         If Yes click Ok and the activity icon of the older \
> +    .xo file in the Journal')

Huh?  I don't understand what this text means, it seems to be an
incomplete english sentence.  Let me remove the program code to expose
the message the user will get:

"Newer Version Found: Newer version of the chosen activity is available
do you still want to continue with the installation?  If Yes click Ok
and the activity icon of the older .xo file in the Journal"

Problems with this english text are:

0.  "Newer Version Found" doesn't really describe the situation, that of
an update reversal, or downgrade,

1.  the first sentence is incorrectly formed; it actually contains two
sentences without separating punctuation,

2.  the second sentence ends abruptly without completing the phrase,

3.  the second sentence asks the user to click "the activity icon of the
older .xo file in the Journal", which doesn't seem right,

4.  "the chosen activity" might be replaced by the name of the activity,

5.  the version number already installed and the version number
requested are not mentioned,

6.  while one might guess that clicking Cancel will stop and unwind the
operation, it isn't clear what clicking Ok will do.

It is very important to get this message correct and succinct, since it
needs to be translated into other languages.

James Cameron

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