[Sugar-devel] SL Bug #2063

forster at ozonline.com.au forster at ozonline.com.au
Wed Oct 13 20:29:30 EDT 2010


Sorry if I do not fully understand this. The proposal is that an ErrorAlert will be created which must be dismissed by its OK button. Is there any possibility that a large number of errors can be created, each needing to be manually dismissed?

> We can improve the helpfulness of this message. For example, we can tell
> people which file to open in the log. I would like to give some recommended
> steps to help get problems fixed, but I haven't included it here. Also, if
> they don't have the log viewer activity, then they may feel helpless

Option 1, example
Operation could not be performed
Please check the logviewer activity for details

Option 2 example
Sorry, something went wrong
Please check the file shell.log for details.
The last line of that file is:
TypeError: integer expected got float

It is very unlikely that primary school students will be able to make any sense of the log and not much better for secondary school students. Anybody who could interpret the log would probably know about the Log activity. So I wouldn't ask them with "please check" but rather offer it as a possibility.

My suggested rewording:
Sorry, something went wrong.
For more information, use the Log Activity
to view the file shell.log.
The last line of that file is:
TypeError: integer expected got float

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