[Sugar-devel] Proposal of dotted activity version number

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Oct 7 11:22:17 EDT 2010

So the proposed 1.2.3-peru numbering scheme really is a 1.2.3 scheme 
with an optional trailing taint hint?

It probably makes better sense to clearly distinguish those two 
essentially separate issues:

   * mainline numbering
     + integer
     + triple integers
     + Debian-style triple string scheme
     + other?
   * how to officially handle "slight forks"
     + extending triple integers with fourth integer/string
     + non-version suffix to version
     + separate field
     + no official support
     + other?

The easiest for Debian would be if you version your code using triple 
integers, as that properly supports multiple branches (which you _are_ 
doing, whether you admit it or not!).

debian care not about deployment forks, but I sure recommend that you do 
support it properly - which means make room for it in the versioning 
string and admit that forks are versioned too - not only a non-versioned 

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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