[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Sugar Ad-hoc icons show in search results when connect/disconnect to AP OLPC #10412

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2010-3 at silbe.org
Tue Nov 30 09:42:41 EST 2010

Excerpts from Simon Schampijer's message of Wed Nov 03 15:20:31 +0100 2010:

> When searching for an AP the Sugar ad-hoc networks are greyed
> out (if their name does not contain the search string). When
> then trying to connect to an AP the Sugar ad-hoc networks get
> colored again.
> The patch does make sure that the color is not set by each update
> and that the member change does not trigger setting the color
> of the icon.

Tested-By: Sascha Silbe <sascha-pgp at silbe.org>


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