[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] fix journal scan of external media, dev.laptop.org #10140

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Mon Nov 29 19:14:14 EST 2010

Update the progress bar regularly and prevent the UI from stalling
during a scan.  Avoid following recursive symlinks, and symlinks that
point outside the filesystem being scanned.  Do not check for MIME type
if file is excluded for other filter reasons.  Do not report permission
denied errors.
 src/jarabe/journal/model.py |  151 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/jarabe/journal/model.py b/src/jarabe/journal/model.py
index 0773446..a8836e3 100644
--- a/src/jarabe/journal/model.py
+++ b/src/jarabe/journal/model.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008, One Laptop Per Child
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2010, One Laptop per Child
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
 import logging
 import os
+import errno
 from datetime import datetime
 import time
 import shutil
-from stat import S_IFMT, S_IFDIR, S_IFREG
+from stat import S_IFLNK, S_IFMT, S_IFDIR, S_IFREG
 import re
 from operator import itemgetter
@@ -230,7 +231,9 @@ class InplaceResultSet(BaseResultSet):
         BaseResultSet.__init__(self, query, page_size)
         self._mount_point = mount_point
         self._file_list = None
-        self._pending_directories = 0
+        self._pending_directories = []
+        self._visited_directories = []
+        self._pending_files = []
         self._stopped = False
         query_text = query.get('query', '')
@@ -257,7 +260,10 @@ class InplaceResultSet(BaseResultSet):
     def setup(self):
         self._file_list = []
-        self._recurse_dir(self._mount_point)
+        self._pending_directories = [self._mount_point]
+        self._visited_directories = []
+        self._pending_files = []
+        gobject.idle_add(self._scan)
     def stop(self):
         self._stopped = True
@@ -298,63 +304,100 @@ class InplaceResultSet(BaseResultSet):
         return entries, total_count
-    def _recurse_dir(self, dir_path):
-        self._pending_directories += 1
-        gobject.idle_add(self._idle_recurse_dir, dir_path)
-    def _idle_recurse_dir(self, dir_path):
-        try:
-            self._real_recurse_dir(dir_path)
-        finally:
-            self._pending_directories -= 1
-            if self._pending_directories == 0:
-                self.setup_ready()
-    def _real_recurse_dir(self, dir_path):
+    def _scan(self):
         if self._stopped:
+            return False
+        self.progress.send(self)
+        if self._pending_files:
+            self._scan_a_file()
+            return True
+        if self._pending_directories:
+            self._scan_a_directory()
+            return True
+        self.setup_ready()
+        self._visited_directories = []
+        return False
+    def _scan_a_file(self):
+        full_path = self._pending_files.pop(0)
+        try:
+            stat = os.lstat(full_path)
+        except OSError, e:
+            if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                logging.exception(
+                    'Error reading metadata of file %r', full_path)
+            return
+        if S_IFMT(stat.st_mode) == S_IFLNK:
+            try:
+                link = os.readlink(full_path)
+            except OSError, e:
+                logging.exception(
+                    'Error reading target of link %r', full_path)
+                return
+            if not os.path.abspath(link).startswith(self._mount_point):
+                return
+            try:
+                stat = os.stat(full_path)
+            except OSError, e:
+                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+                    logging.exception(
+                        'Error reading metadata of linked file %r', full_path)
+                return
+        if S_IFMT(stat.st_mode) == S_IFDIR:
+            id_tuple = stat.st_ino, stat.st_dev
+            if not id_tuple in self._visited_directories:
+                self._visited_directories.append(id_tuple)
+                self._pending_directories.append(full_path)
+        if S_IFMT(stat.st_mode) != S_IFREG:
+            return
+        if self._regex is not None and \
+                not self._regex.match(full_path):
+            return
+        if self._date_start is not None and self.st_mtime < self._date_start:
+            return
+        if self._date_end is not None and self.st_mtime > self._date_end:
+            return
+        if self._mime_types:
+            mime_type = gio.content_type_guess(filename=full_path)
+            if mime_type not in self._mime_types:
+                return
+        file_info = (full_path, stat, int(stat.st_mtime), stat.st_size)
+        self._file_list.append(file_info)
+        return
+    def _scan_a_directory(self):
+        dir_path = self._pending_directories.pop(0)
-            dirs = os.listdir(dir_path)
-        except Exception:
-            logging.exception('Error reading directory %r', dir_path)
-            dirs = []
+            entries = os.listdir(dir_path)
+        except OSError, e:
+            if e.errno != errno.EACCES:
+                logging.exception('Error reading directory %r', dir_path)
+            return
-        for entry in dirs:
+        for entry in entries:
             if entry.startswith('.'):
-            full_path = dir_path + '/' + entry
-            try:
-                stat = os.stat(full_path)
-                if S_IFMT(stat.st_mode) == S_IFDIR:
-                    self._recurse_dir(full_path)
-                elif S_IFMT(stat.st_mode) == S_IFREG:
-                    add_to_list = True
-                    if self._regex is not None and \
-                            not self._regex.match(full_path):
-                        add_to_list = False
-                    if None not in [self._date_start, self._date_end] and \
-                            (stat.st_mtime < self._date_start or
-                             stat.st_mtime > self._date_end):
-                        add_to_list = False
-                    if self._mime_types:
-                        mime_type = gio.content_type_guess(filename=full_path)
-                        if mime_type not in self._mime_types:
-                            add_to_list = False
-                    if add_to_list:
-                        file_info = (full_path, stat, int(stat.st_mtime),
-                                     stat.st_size)
-                        self._file_list.append(file_info)
-                    self.progress.send(self)
-            except Exception:
-                logging.exception('Error reading file %r', full_path)
+            self._pending_files.append(dir_path + '/' + entry)
+        return
 def _get_file_metadata(path, stat):

James Cameron

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