[Sugar-devel] ObjectChooser() Issue?

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2010-3 at silbe.org
Sun Nov 14 18:00:09 EST 2010

Excerpts from Art Hunkins's message of Sun Nov 14 23:20:49 +0100 2010:

> #Declarations
>    self.file = [0, 0, 0, 0]
>    self.fileflag = ["0", "0", "0", "0"]

FWIW, this looks rather strange. You might want to choose a different
approach once you got the Object Chooser part working.

>  def choose1(self, widget):
>   chooser =  ObjectChooser(parent=self, what_filter=mime.GENERIC_TYPE_AUDIO)
>   result = chooser.run()
>   if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT:
>     jobject = chooser.get_selected_object()
>     if jobject and jobject.file_path:
>       self.file[0] = jobject.get_file_path()
>       open(self.file[0], "r")

Why do you open the file if you're not going to use it? If you'd like
to check for existence, you can use os.path.exists(). This shouldn't
be necessary, however - if the chooser returns an incorrect path, that's
a major bug.

>       self.fileflag[0] = "1"
>   else:
>     self.fileflag[0] = "0"
>     close(self.file[0])

Where is close() defined? Why would you want to call close(0) if the
Object Chooser was aborted?

> The jobject is being selected just fine; the problem is, it is still being 
> deleted, even though I'm trying to store its path.

That's exactly the problem: You need to store the _DSObject_ instance,
not just the path to the file.

> Please note that there are up to *4* of these choosers (the reason why 
> self.file is a list); obviously the various jobjects may well 
> replace/interfere with each other.

I don't think the current Journal code handles multiple simultaneous
invocations of the Object Chooser particularly well (from a UI PoV).

Or do you mean to say the user can choose up to four different objects
one at a time? Then you should probably start with an empty list. Or
if the user can choose one each from four different types of objects
(say a background image and a sprite if you were dealing with images
instead of sounds) you might store them in individual variables
instead, initialised with None.


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