[Sugar-devel] Question: Which database to use best from within sugar?

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Thu May 27 16:20:12 EDT 2010

Excerpts from Johannes Ponader's message of Thu May 27 18:52:18 +0000 2010:

> I'm working on a vocabulary/maths/knowlegde training activity, first
> releases under http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/honeypot
> Now I want to store user data inside a database and have to make a decision
> which database I should use.
> Would you be so kind to share your advice/experiences? Is there any
> "standard" so far?
There are about as many "standards" as there are different programs. ;)
As always, it depends on what exactly you'd like to do. For a start I can
recommend JSON (used by several activities, with a little trick it will
work both on the original/old OLPC builds and recent systems) and sqlite3
(included with Python 2.5+, so it should be available on any build shipping
Sugar 0.84+).

> If you don't come up with some other ideas, I would tend to use buzhug (
> http://buzhug.sourceforge.net/), as it's stated to be fast, pure-Python and
> intuitive.
Looks nice and since it's pure Python you could just include it in the
bundle, no dependency issues. But I'd be wary of using a lot of new
technologies: you might end up failing just because there are too many
bugs in parts you rely on. Even Xapian, something I'd call reasonably
mature, has bugs that stalled my version support work (and thus my
thesis) considerably.
Start with something you either already know well (including the
limitations and bugs) or is mature and understood by someone you can ask.

If you elaborate on what exactly you're trying to achive - including
where and when you'd like to store/retrieve what and how (your activity
description is very vague), we might be able to provide some more
specific advice.

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