[Sugar-devel] #1755 UNSP: sugar-emulator: better error message if X server is unreachable

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Tue May 25 15:52:00 EDT 2010

Excerpts from Tomeu Vizoso's message of Wed May 19 10:53:06 +0000 2010:
> > #1755: sugar-emulator: better error message if X server is unreachable
> >  Replying to [comment:3 tomeu]:
> >  > +        sys.stderr.write('Error executing server: %s\n' % (exc, ))
> >  > Better print the full exception including the traceback?
> >  That will add no useful information and instead confuse the user.
> This surprises me, am I the only one that hates having to grep the
> source for an error message because someone ate the traceback?
In this particular case, the error is caused by an external program, so
printing a Python backtrace only serves to confuse the user.
While there might be a few bugs still hidden in sugar-emulator (you
recently fixed one, thanks!), in the majority of cases it's a problem on
the users system - e.g. the infamous Ubuntu Xephyr D-Bus policy issue.
So I'd rather have a developer grep the source (if (s)he really doesn't
already expect it to live in sugar-emulator) than lots of users getting
confused about the traceback (remember that this was the reason I filed
the ticket in the first place).

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