[Sugar-devel] Updated Open Office.ods Spreadsheet of tested Compatible Activities with a Soas Mirabelle 509 USB

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Tue May 11 10:05:41 EDT 2010

Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 20:59 -0700, Thomas C Gilliard wrote:
>> Bernie:
>> 1-)Re-tested ASLO .xo activities for compatibility with 
>> soas-i386-20100509 as a 2GB USB on my ACER Aspire One.
>> (All of the Activities tested were run from a 2nd 1GB USB (it has about 
>> 140 on it) without copy-pasting loading to the journal.)
>> Link:
>> http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Activities-Index-Mirabell.ods
> The work you're doing is amazing, but it's hard to collaborate on a
> spreadsheet. Maybe you could translate it to a wiki page? Or, even
> better, maybe we could encode this knowledge right into ASLO?
> For example, you could edit the description to add your notes at the
> bottom.
> The only problem with using ASLO directly is that there's no way to get
> a nice report in table format like the one you did. The knowledge is all
> there, but it's presented in a sparse format which is inconvenient for
> someone who wants to decide whether or not Sugar 0.88 is deployable.
> Perhaps we can solve this issue at a later time by adding a new report
> page to ASLO. I'm not familiar with ASLO's codebase, but since it's just
> a PHP application it shouldn't be that hard to hack something with it.
> Just my random thoughts, not really a concrete proposal. For the time
> being, thanks for collecting this very valuable information.
>> 2_)Also: I did my first edit in ASLO for read. (changed range from 0.88 
>> to 0.86)
> Why, it does not work? :-(
> Please, file a bug report in Trac, we'll work on it.
 From IRC Clips from logs:
<sdziallas> satellit__: I'm not yet sure what we're going to do and 
currently meeting with Peter about it.

<sdziallas> satellit__: this is the issue: 

<satellit_> sdziallas: any answer on read replacenent/fix

<mchua> satellit_: I think the plan is just to take it out of the build 
entirely - it'd take a while to fix.

>> I plan to rapidly enter the findings listed on the spreadsheet into ASLO.
> Thanks! At this time, the #1 blocker for upgrading to Sugar 0.88 is that
> very few activities are marked as compatible.
> Aleksey: to speed-up Thomas' work, maybe we could hack the database to
> pre-mark all 0.86-compatible activities as compatible? So he would just
> need to un-mark those which turn out to be incompatible.
> The release-notes for Sugar 0.88 claim no changes in the activity API,
> so we can expect almost every activity that works on 0.86 to also work
> on 0.88.
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