[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Fix for Ticket #1927

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Wed May 5 17:43:14 EDT 2010

On Wed, May 05, 2010 at 08:29:13PM +0530, Anish Mangal wrote:
> It will flash for *atleast* 400 milliseconds. Since the "Run" process
> actually takes some time to execute, it will be colored for that
> duration.

The clear button persists in not flashing when I test it on XO-1.5.
I've dug deeper and found it is probably because self.save() is being
called, which is slow on an XO-1.5 since it is using SD.

The timer_cb() is being called before the screen is updated, and so the
button does not become colour highlighted.

A fix is to reorder the widget signals so that flash_cb() is called
before clearbutton_cb().  See patch below.

> > ... the availability of grab is not obvious.
> The correct way to address this would be to fix the sugar gtk theme.

Agreed.  I mention it because it is a usability problem with Pippy once
it is patched.  I don't mind how you solve it.  I don't think it blocks
adoption of your patch.

> > Breaks compatibility with Sugar 0.84. ??"from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox
> > import ToolbarBox" reports "ImportError: No module named toolbarbox".
> Fixed. Can you please check again.

Checked, works fine on Sugar 0.84 now.

> > There's also a trivial trailing whitespace warning from git when the
> > patch is applied ... caused by one of the vectors in an SVG.
> Can you indicate the line number in the patch where the warning
> occurred.  [...]

It no longer occurs, with your latest 863d691.

Here's the change I made to fix the clear button highlight:

--- a/pippy_app.py
+++ b/pippy_app.py
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ class PippyActivity(ViewSourceActivity):
         clearicon_color.set_from_file("%s/icons/eraser_color.svg" % os.getcwd()
         clearbutton = ToolButton(label=_("_Clear"))
+        clearbutton.connect('clicked', self.clearbutton_cb)
         clearbutton.connect('clicked', self.flash_cb, dict({'bw':clearicon_bw,
-        clearbutton.connect('clicked', self.clearbutton_cb)
         activity_toolbar.insert(clearbutton, 4)
James Cameron

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