[Sugar-devel] [RFC PATCH 4/8] Add a ListViewButton to the journal search toolbar.

Andrés Ambrois andresambrois at gmail.com
Sat May 1 15:33:52 EDT 2010

Add a button to display the sorting options. Create a sort-property-changed
signal in the toolbar to notify the activity of changes.

Use a RadioToolButton for a future implementation of multiple journal views
(as described in the Journal Design Proposal).

Signed-off-by: Andrés Ambrois <andresambrois at gmail.com>
 src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py |   64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py b/src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py
index 7466461..48aeb34 100644
--- a/src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py
+++ b/src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from sugar.graphics.toolbox import Toolbox
 from sugar.graphics.toolcombobox import ToolComboBox
 from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
 from sugar.graphics.toggletoolbutton import ToggleToolButton
+from sugar.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
 from sugar.graphics.combobox import ComboBox
 from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem
 from sugar.graphics.icon import Icon
@@ -74,7 +75,10 @@ class SearchToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
     __gsignals__ = {
         'query-changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
-                          ([object]))
+                          ([object])),
+        'sort-property-changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+                          gobject.TYPE_NONE,
+                          ([str, object]))
     def __init__(self):
@@ -109,6 +113,17 @@ class SearchToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
         self.insert(tool_item, -1)
+        self._add_separator(expand=True)
+        self._list_view_button = ListViewButton()
+        # TODO: Connect when Grid View is implemented
+        #self._list_view.connect('toggled', self.__view_button_toggled_cb)
+        self._list_view_button.set_active(True)
+        self.insert(self._list_view_button, -1)
+        self._list_view_button.connect('sort-property-changed',
+                                       self.__sort_changed_cb)
+        self._list_view_button.show()
         # TODO: enable it when the DS supports saving the buddies.
         #self._with_search_combo = self._get_with_search_combo()
         #tool_item = ToolComboBox(self._with_search_combo)
@@ -119,6 +134,9 @@ class SearchToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
+    def __sort_changed_cb(self, button, property, order):
+        self.emit('sort-property-changed', property, order)
     def give_entry_focus(self):
@@ -467,3 +485,47 @@ class EntryToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
+class ListViewButton(RadioToolButton):
+    __gtype_name__ = 'JournalListViewButton'
+    __gsignals__ = {
+        'sort-property-changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
+                                  gobject.TYPE_NONE,
+                                  ([str, object])),
+    }
+    _SORT_OPTIONS = [
+        ('timestamp', 'view-lastedit', _('View by last edit')),
+        ('ctime', 'view-created', _('View by creation date')),
+        ('filesize', 'view-size', _('View by size')),
+    ]
+    def __init__(self):
+        RadioToolButton.__init__(self)
+        self.props.tooltip = _('List view')
+        self.props.named_icon = 'view-list'
+        # TODO: Set accelerator when Grid View is implemented
+        #self.props.accelerator = _('<Ctrl>2')
+        self.props.group = None
+        for property, icon, label in self._SORT_OPTIONS:
+            button = MenuItem(icon_name=icon, text_label=label)
+            button.connect('activate',
+                           self.__sort_type_changed_cb,
+                           property,
+                           icon)
+            button.show()
+            self.props.palette.menu.insert(button, -1)
+    def __sort_type_changed_cb(self, widget, property, named_icon):
+        #FIXME: Implement sorting order
+        self.emit('sort-property-changed', property, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
+        self.props.named_icon = named_icon
+        if not self.props.active:
+            self.props.active = True
+        else:
+            self.emit('toggled')

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