[Sugar-devel] SoaS 3 Activity list

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Mon Mar 29 11:32:44 EDT 2010


I just tested soas-i386-20100328.17.iso

As a 2GB Firefly USB formated fat16 labeled FEDORA (before use)
Using Ubuntu 9.04 terminal

sudo su
su -c "livecd-iso-to-disk  --format --reset-mbr 
/home/xxxx/Desktop/soas-i386-20100328.17.iso /dev/sdg"

It boots fine on a EeePC900

Problem is that IRC application has not been fixed yet...
it gives popup : "IRC failed to start" [Stop]

The fix is that sebastian acknowledged was to be done.

cd  /usr/share/sugar/activities/

rm -R IRC.activity
and step thru all files to delete until application is removed
Use Browse to go to ASLO (activities)
search for irc
do download now
Now IRC starts fine

I think the problem is the installed xoirc is version 6
the downloaded irc.xo is version 5
(they seem to be distinctly different applications)

Tom Gilliard

Peter Robinson wrote:
> Hi All,
> Having had some feedback on the proposal of shipping just 6 Activities
> for SoaS 3 I'm modifying the proposal a little and increasing the
> number to 10 [1]. Although this does come with some caveats and a
> challenge to those out there that would like to see some more
> included.
> So the original proposal was the following list of Activities:
> - browse
> - physics
> - turtleart
> - irc
> - log
> - terminal
> I'm proposing adding the following:
> - Record
> - Write
> - Chat.
> - Some sort of shareable game such as memorize
> The reason for the above 4 is that they are a great demonstration of
> the sharing and media capabilities of sugar, which I believe are some
> of its best features, but I am open to suggestions.
> So now to the caveat and challenge. They will only be included if they
> are working, tested and are stable as I believe it only makes the
> Sugar platform look bad if they don't work well. The challenge is for
> everyone in the community to assist in making sure they are working,
> tested and stable. If ultimately they aren't included its everyone to
> blame because they weren't. I believe I may know what the issue with
> Write is so I'll be looking that with the hope of it being fixed this
> week. I look forward to seeing reports of them working well and being
> tested as well as patches and bug reports when they do not :-)
> Peter
> [1] I could possibly increase this to 12 if my arm is twisted enough
> on the same proviso that they are stable, tested and are a good
> demonstration of the Sugar platform, work well on a netbook platform
> and XOs
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