[Sugar-devel] Schoolserver icon

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 28 16:36:48 EDT 2010

On 28 Jun 2010, at 19:49, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

> El Mon, 28-06-2010 a las 14:25 -0400, Walter Bender escribió:
>> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Bernie Innocenti <bernie at codewiz.org> wrote:
>> There were some design proposals from a time long ago and far away
>> (2006, Pentagram) I believe.
> In case we forgot what it looked like, I'd like to propose the attached
> one ;-)

A joke right? Something I missed from the early days? Any way, just incase not ;-b – the occult and also Masonic all seeing eye seem a very dangerous choice, not to mention the warning hazard triangle icon (now I do just about remember the no 'triangles' episode) :-)

FWIW There are some simple school house type icons that could sugarise well, pretty much something like this very quick shape, perhaps making sure it's not too church like. There's other variations that can be flat top based, and/or place a round clock face in the top section and a couple of windows in the lower section. I could generate a few versions around this theme and see what works for folks?

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> -- 
>   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
> \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/
> <schoolserver.svg>_______________________________________________
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