[Sugar-devel] Fwd: Analysis help needed re: sugargame (pygame) on the 1.0XO (build 802)

Wade Brainerd wadetb at gmail.com
Sun Jun 27 08:16:06 EDT 2010

Hi George,

Turns out the get_window() method is indeed missing in that older PyGTK.
Instead, there is a property called "window".

So just replace:




And it should work fine.

I'll release a new version with this change.


On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Wade Brainerd <wadetb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi George,
> Thanks!  I'll take a look at it this weekend to see if I can find a
> workaround for the missing API.
> Wade
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 12:02 PM, George Hunt <georgejhunt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Wade,
> Thanks for your offer. I've attached XoPhoto-2.xo. There is also a git repo
> at <http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/xophoto/repos/mainline>
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/xophoto/repos/mainline if that is more
> convenient.
> On my test machine, I reflashed to build 802. For some reason, I had
> trouble getting the journal to recognize my USB stick. So I copied
> /media/KINGSTON/XoPhoto-2.xo to /home/olpc/Activities, and then unzipped it.
> I found that if I commented out line 50 of
> XoPhoto.activity/sugargame/canvas.py, my application would come up
> successfully.
> Tomeo's hypothesis is that gtk. 2.14.2 (or pygtk) doesn't include
> _socket.get_window().
> Without the ability to set the pygame cursor to None, as you will see, I'm
> not able to use the gtk cursor resources.
> I've tried a few things unsuccessfully to try to get a reference to the
> pygame window. I'd appreciate any ideas you might have
> George
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Wade Brainerd < <wadetb at gmail.com>
> wadetb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi George,
>> Can you send me a copy of your activity?  I'll try it out on my XO (also
>> running 802) and see what's wrong.
>> Thanks,
>> Wade
>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 9:40 PM, George Hunt < <georgejhunt at gmail.com>
>> georgejhunt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  To:  <sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>> Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2010 16:20:05 -0400
>>> Subject: Analysis help needed re: sugargame (pygame) on the 1.0XO (build
>>> 802)
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I've been developing a thumbnail slide sorting activity using pygame on
>>> my 1.5XO.  I've been happy with the ease of laying out the screen using
>>> pygame. Now I'm checking it out on the 1.0, and having perplexing
>>> difficulty.
>>> My guess is that it's something that I'm doing, because the test activity
>>> distributed with sugargame, and the Demoiselle demo program developed by Jim
>>> Simmons also fail in the same manner. (but I've redownloaded build 802, and
>>> reflashed my test machine, and also brought down the most recent git of
>>> sugargame)
>>> As  I understand it, Sugargame puts a gtk.socket into an eventbox, and
>>> the event box is loaded into the XO's VBox by the
>>> sugar.graphics.window.set_canvas function -- which is a super of
>>> sugar.activity.activity.
>>> In sugargame/canvas.py
>>> line 41   self._socket.get_window().set_cursor(None)
>>> AttributeError: 'gtk.Socket' object has no attribute 'get_window'
>>> This is after an environment variable  "SDL_WINDOWID" has been passed to
>>> the pygame.init() routine, (I guess pygame uses this ID to create the
>>> gtk.Plug().
>>> What works on the 1.5 (test.activity, and demoiselle.activity, and my
>>> application)
>>> gtk.ver = 2.16.1
>>> pygame.ver = 1.8.1
>>> What doesn't work on 1.0XO build 802: (all three of these fail with the
>>> above AttributeError)
>>> gtk.ver = 2.14.2
>>> pygame.ver = 1.8.0
>>> I looked into putting the pygame 1.9.1 on Build 802, but there were
>>> dependencies more than just SDL-devel, and I've still got the nagging
>>> feeling that I'm missing something simple (the test.activity was probably
>>> tested on build 802)
>>> Any insight, advice would be appreciated,
>>> George
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> <XoPhoto-2.xo>
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