[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Read in SoaS with Fedora 13- use evince and 2nd USB

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Fri Jun 25 08:18:32 EDT 2010


You missed my point:

evince works.

I just installed  evince i686 2.31.3-4.20100621git.fc14  on a 
soas-i386-20100623.16.iso 4GB USB

yum install evince

It is able to easily read e-books loaded on a 2nd USB.
This USB can be drag-drop loaded from the journal after using get e 
books application, or externally loaded to the USB on another PC.
All one has to do is enter evince in terminal to start Program and then
File/Open/(external 2nd USB) and select the e-book Postscript / DjVu / 
Tiff/Comic books / or PDF documents.

Nice Reader Application

This looks like a nice work around for a broken read application.

Tom Gilliard

Sebastian Dziallas wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 2:18 AM, Thomas C Gilliard
> <satellit at bendbroadband.com> wrote:
>> I just made a 4 GB USB with persistence from soas-i386-20100623.03.iso
>> In testing:
>> Read 86, it still fails to start
>> log showed unable to find/open evince
> [...]
> Read does not work because the way it interacts with evince has
> changed on the evince side. Hence, Read would have to be adjusted for
> working again (which is a pretty critical thing, I guess). I read,
> though, that David Farning's ActivityCentral was going to provide
> incentives for people to work on that? (I'm just walking through my
> email backlog right now, so please correct me if I'm wrong.)
> There is a ticket on that in trac: http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1900
>> Tried to open a e-book in sugar-journal
>> evince could NOT ACCESS JOURNAL.
> Yes, this is the case because evince itself is not a sugar activity.
> --Sebastian
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