[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Displaying the current status of system resources (such as memory, cpu)

Martin Abente mabente at paraguayeduca.org
Tue Jun 15 18:45:18 EDT 2010

I think its an great and necessary idea.

In the field, kids learn that the computer has limits only by the painful
way. Last year, in our first 4000 laptops deployment, just a few dyas
later, kids were complaining that "la compu" (the laptop) was "dying". Only
after seeing it happen we realized that they could not meassure the current
load. They were basically opening a lot of activities, without knowing the

It would be great to have some kind of basic indicator (for kids!) to help

On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 03:18:31 +0530, Anish Mangal
<anishmangal2002 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sugar presently lacks a means to display the current status of system
> resources such as free memory, CPU load, etc. I'd like form an opinion
> as to what should be the ideal way to make these numbers available to
> the user.
> Perhaps an icon (or a set of icons) could be added to frame to
> graphically display real time data, their context menu revealing more
> detailed information.
> Furthermore, what all system parameters should be made available
> through such a means (such as free memory, and cpu load)?
> Suggestions and opinions welcome!
> Cheers,
> Anish | anish at sugarlabs.org

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